Wednesday, April 8, 2009


When BJ and I were in the NICU and ICC, we were rooming with the same woman, Carmen Sybesma, and her son, Caleb. Caleb was born with many deformities, bone problems, breathing issues, and a shot liver. The family has been ping-ponging back and forth from Sanford, Iowa and Minneapolis, receiving dialysis and awaiting a liver. He has been battling fever recently and they are back in Minneapolis with him.

When my little family was struggling with Gavin in the Children's Hospital, Minneapolis, we stayed at the Ronald McDonald house, so we could stay close, but have a great comforting setting to come "home" to after long days in the hospital. Carmen also stayed there, mostly by herself, while her husband and three young children were at home, a state away.

When we would return to the hospital in the morning, Carmen was there. She was the first person we said "Hi" to and the first person we said "Goodbye" to at night.

BJ and I probably wouldn't have made it in this traumatizing setting (especially for first time parents) without the cheerful charm of our "roomie." She comforted me about body image when I had many failed attempts to find dresses for BJ's brother's wedding. She cracked little jokes about the day (my favorite was on Friday the 13th when she said "Look! Caleb has his costume on! He has yucky screws in his neck! Where is Gavin's? I think it would be cool if he had some intestines still out... That could be a GREAT costume!") She was our personal Ray-of-Sunshine in seriously cloudy weather.

Carmen and Shane (her husband) have had to endure the lovely "over-nighter" in the hospital. The doctors make sure that the two can take care of Caleb properly (which is ridiculous, because the girl can probably take apart and put back together every piece of equipment that Caleb has used). So, they set them up in a private room and let them "fend" for themselves without any medical supervision. Since that went great, they are hoping to leave the hospital and head back to Iowa to reunite their family.

I guess I have never, EVER been a believer of God or anything like that; not really something I take too seriously... But after meeting a mother with as much hope, sweetness, and just faith, its hard to not think of her as our angel. We love you, Carmen. You are a friend to many, and an example to all.

To read about Caleb's story and the loving woman I strive to be, please go to:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

In Loving Memory...

On our way to meet with our realtor and check out some prospective houses, my mom called me and informed me that ANOTHER friend from high school had died in a car accident over the weekend.

I have never regretted my decision to move to Minnesota, but in times like these, it would just be easier to be around old friends to reflect and pay the proper respects with. To the family and friends of Megan, my deepest sympathies are extended through state lines. My heart and thoughts will be with you through this trying time...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Makin' Bank!

BJ and I have been tossing around ideas to expand Malloy Co. or sell another product or do SOMETHING to increase profit and get me out of the house! (All the while taking care of our handsome baby, Gavin)

Well, after some thinking, BJ came home with a fantastic idea, and we have been contemplating opening our own Ebay store! The jist: We take a product someone doesn't want, we snap a picture, post it on Ebay, sell it, ship it, and take a percentage. (Nothing HUGE, we aren't trying to get rich, or be a huge rip-off).

So, we have been doing some research, and since BJ Fed-Exes on a daily basis, and its something we could do WHILE watching Gav, we are pretty optimistic! This weekend, we will set up some stuff and get shelving for our inventory! We even talked to close friends and they would be more than happy to be "Clients." In rough economic times, people are downsizing, and who (besides us) has time to watch an item on Ebay? We can take all of the fuss out of selling and shipping! Yay!!

So, thats our new project... Call if interested in de-cluttering!