Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We bought a house!

Today BJ and I took a huge step and bought our first house together! Its the house that the school built this year, and we just need to move it onto our lot. Well, the lot we had planned on using may not be ready in time, (we only have a month to get the house off of school property.. and we can't finance until a lot is ready) so we might have to try for another one... I'll have to keep ya posted! I love you, sweetheart and I am SO excited for this great new chapter!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So excited!

Next week, me and the boys will travel the 8 hours to my hometown in Wisconsin.

My mommy couldn't make it here for Gav's birthday (which was EXTREMELY hard for me... I love BJ's family, but it was tough having a 1st birthday party without ANY of my relatives...)so we will just bring the fun there on Thursday! I haven't been home since Christmas, and I am starving for my old scene! I have to link up with my Maid of Honor, Joy, to give her her dress (YES!!! We got the maid-of-honor and bridesmaids dresses in today and they look HOT!) and then we are going to take BJ to Green Bay for some good ol' fashion hell-raisin'!

Sometime in there, we are having a cookout with my brother and his almost-wife (they may not ever be married, but they sure do act like it!) and some other random family members. We always plan for an extremely laid-back time, but it rarely happens! I love showing BJ around (ask him, I am quite the tour guide!) and trying to fit in everything that I miss into one weekend. I hardly ever get to go home, so we better make it worth it!

Look out, Wisconsin! This may be my last visit as Lynnette Bywater! Lets make it RoCk!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gav's 1st Birthday!

For Gav's big birthday, we gave him his first haircut, made spaghetti and meat sauce, and let him face-dive into his very first piece of cake! Since Gavin doesn't care for chocolate, and we really wanted something to stand out in the pictures, we made a yellow cake with some cream cheese frosting.... and blue food coloring!! (Mommy and Daddy wanted in on the action, and had some fun smearing it on each other, too!)

After dinner, Gav took his bath (which he refused to sit down for) we had time for a couple quick pics, and then our little guy went right to sleep! I was a little disappointed that we couldn't watch his first sugar-rush... but tuckered out Gav just wanted his crib!

This Sunday we are having a party with some family and friends to celebrate again, but with Gav's rough start, this day was a HUGE triumph for our new family--it meant a lot to spend it with just the three of us. You only have one first birthday!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Toast crumbs

So, BJ and I just got home from our first Marriage Prep course, and it went fantastic! I will admit that I went in half-heartedly and didn't have the most open mind, but it wasn't as bad as I had psyched myself to believe. Actually, I learned a lot about our relationship, our faith, our love, our major issues, our fighting habits, and some ways to feel more connected.

The day started at 8 a.m. with some guest speakers. Regular couples would come in and tell their story (both happy and heartbreaking) and share what had worked and what had failed miserably in their relationships. It was very uncut and real and touching. One woman was reduced to tears as she told the class how a small squabble with her husband over shopping almost ended their relationship. She closed her speech with a story:

Her and her husband had 3 kids and worked full time jobs. The stress of day-to-day life got so overwhelming, they started focusing on what the other partner wasn't doing, instead of how much they did do. The woman said she would go into the kitchen after her husband had gone to work to find toast crumbs scattered on the countertop. She would argue with him at night, telling him that she hated cleaning them up, and that he should just use a plate to avoid the mess. The next day: more toast crumbs. The woman said it went on and on, and realized that since he wouldn't change, she needed to rethink how it made her feel. So, she started looking at it more lovingly. Every time she would see the toast crumbs, she would take a moment to be thankful that her husband was around to spend the night and be with her in the morning. The toast crumbs were no longer a nuissance, but a blessing. Awhile later, money had gotten tight, and he had to switch jobs to one that required him to be gone Monday-Thursday. She said that for a whole year, she mourned the loss of her toast crumbs.

So, be thankful for the time you have with people. Stop picking them apart, and just embrace them and their quirks. I know that I come with my fair share of toast crumbs, but I know that there is no crumb too big for BJ and me to overcome, as long as we stick together.

Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm taking a little break from my cleaning binge for a blog update! We are going to be out of town all weekend at the marriage course, and I need to get my apartment as tidy as possible for the babysitter!

Gav's last weight check showed that he was 14 lbs 11 ozs STILL! He's been the same size for almost 3 months now! We have him on a high-fat, high-cal diet, but it doesn't seem to be doing the trick. I have been scouring the web for some further tips, and got some great ideas that I can't wait to try! Our dietician told us to swap out his formula (he's on a high-cal Alimentum) and water for heavy whipping cream when we use it in his cereals, puddings, and even Jell-O! I saw online that some mom's had started using it in their mashed potatoes and pancakes for a boost, too. I also read some recipes for avocado/cream cheese sandwiches, high-fat grilled cheese, high-cal puree'd turkey, and a lot more!

West Central Education came today and we discussed future options like G-tubes and growth hormones. I NEVER want to see my baby hooked up to machines and wires again, but, at this point, I want some answers and results! In a few weeks, the three of us meet with Gav's neonatalagist and dietician for testing. Gav had Gastroschisis, but it doesn't firmly explain why he is having such a difficult time gaining weight now.

There's your insight on our daily struggles with the G-man... I'm gonna start testing recipes!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Much better...

So after my last rant on here, I thought I'd let everyone know that things have gotten better! I finally realized that the people that are so quick to judge and say hurtful things are just not worth the time. So they will receive none of mine! (Well, no more after this, I mean!)

Today was great! I subbed at the Area Learning Center in Melrose and took the kids bowling. Actually, they took me... Since the school doesn't have a gym, all of their physical education is done outside, if the weather permits. After so many days of kickball, the teachers started walking the Junior and Senior High kids down to Melrose Bowl. Today was the big day this week, and it just so happened that their normal gym teacher was absent! (She wasn't even the one I was supposed to be subbing for!) So, I took the kids and even though I wasn't able to get in on the game, it was a blast watching them have fun.

This weekend is the dreaded marriage course in St. Cloud. I'm not worried about the class, but about missing my beautiful little man, Gavin, all day!! Two days in a row without my tiny stud is going to be Hell.... I'm just looking forward to coming back and getting some Gav-ttention... :)

The agenda for this evening, you ask?
*Eat some dinner with my boys
*Listen to the CD for the marriage course and fill out study guide
*Clean this place up! West Central Education tomorrow!!
*Run on the treadmill
*Finish the order for the invitations
*Fill out job application at the hospital
*Take my sleepy butt to bed!!!!

Alas, the morning will come too soon...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Time for a change?

This is a blog of frustration. In recent events, I have been encouraged by many people to change. In my own defense (because those people that one would expect to stand up for me have totally done the reverse and attacked me.. but mostly behind my back) I am saying "HELL NO!" If you really don't like me, my attitude, personality, or anything else, then stay away from me. So, stay away from me if all you have to offer is your judgement and negativity. You have absolutely no idea where I came from or how my attitude has gotten me through situations. Don't try to drag me down in your attempts to be perfect. I am content being outspoken, feisty, a bit hard to swallow, and very opinionated. I am not changing.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Little buddies!

The boys and I took a little trip to Minneapolis to visit Carmen and Caleb, who are staying at the U of M Children's Hospital. Our little guys haven't seen each other in almost a year, and it was great to see them check each other out. We put the boys next to each other for some pictures, and they took turns playing with each others' faces and hands.

Afterwards, Carmen's husband, Shane, and their other 3 children met us at the hospital (after their 3 hour drive up) and we all went out for some pizza. It was so great seeing them again! Even though we met under some pretty scary circumstances, we are so fortunate to have them in our lives. Now that Carmen and Caleb are back in the cities, we can hopefully get together more often (Since Gav and I don't have too much going on during the days now). Thanks for everything, Sybesma family! We can't wait for our next visit!

P.S. In my last blog, I said that Caleb needed a liver... He needs a KIDNEY!!!! (Sorry, Carmen!!!! I'm way more knowledgeable about intestines....)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


When BJ and I were in the NICU and ICC, we were rooming with the same woman, Carmen Sybesma, and her son, Caleb. Caleb was born with many deformities, bone problems, breathing issues, and a shot liver. The family has been ping-ponging back and forth from Sanford, Iowa and Minneapolis, receiving dialysis and awaiting a liver. He has been battling fever recently and they are back in Minneapolis with him.

When my little family was struggling with Gavin in the Children's Hospital, Minneapolis, we stayed at the Ronald McDonald house, so we could stay close, but have a great comforting setting to come "home" to after long days in the hospital. Carmen also stayed there, mostly by herself, while her husband and three young children were at home, a state away.

When we would return to the hospital in the morning, Carmen was there. She was the first person we said "Hi" to and the first person we said "Goodbye" to at night.

BJ and I probably wouldn't have made it in this traumatizing setting (especially for first time parents) without the cheerful charm of our "roomie." She comforted me about body image when I had many failed attempts to find dresses for BJ's brother's wedding. She cracked little jokes about the day (my favorite was on Friday the 13th when she said "Look! Caleb has his costume on! He has yucky screws in his neck! Where is Gavin's? I think it would be cool if he had some intestines still out... That could be a GREAT costume!") She was our personal Ray-of-Sunshine in seriously cloudy weather.

Carmen and Shane (her husband) have had to endure the lovely "over-nighter" in the hospital. The doctors make sure that the two can take care of Caleb properly (which is ridiculous, because the girl can probably take apart and put back together every piece of equipment that Caleb has used). So, they set them up in a private room and let them "fend" for themselves without any medical supervision. Since that went great, they are hoping to leave the hospital and head back to Iowa to reunite their family.

I guess I have never, EVER been a believer of God or anything like that; not really something I take too seriously... But after meeting a mother with as much hope, sweetness, and just faith, its hard to not think of her as our angel. We love you, Carmen. You are a friend to many, and an example to all.

To read about Caleb's story and the loving woman I strive to be, please go to:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

In Loving Memory...

On our way to meet with our realtor and check out some prospective houses, my mom called me and informed me that ANOTHER friend from high school had died in a car accident over the weekend.

I have never regretted my decision to move to Minnesota, but in times like these, it would just be easier to be around old friends to reflect and pay the proper respects with. To the family and friends of Megan, my deepest sympathies are extended through state lines. My heart and thoughts will be with you through this trying time...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Makin' Bank!

BJ and I have been tossing around ideas to expand Malloy Co. or sell another product or do SOMETHING to increase profit and get me out of the house! (All the while taking care of our handsome baby, Gavin)

Well, after some thinking, BJ came home with a fantastic idea, and we have been contemplating opening our own Ebay store! The jist: We take a product someone doesn't want, we snap a picture, post it on Ebay, sell it, ship it, and take a percentage. (Nothing HUGE, we aren't trying to get rich, or be a huge rip-off).

So, we have been doing some research, and since BJ Fed-Exes on a daily basis, and its something we could do WHILE watching Gav, we are pretty optimistic! This weekend, we will set up some stuff and get shelving for our inventory! We even talked to close friends and they would be more than happy to be "Clients." In rough economic times, people are downsizing, and who (besides us) has time to watch an item on Ebay? We can take all of the fuss out of selling and shipping! Yay!!

So, thats our new project... Call if interested in de-cluttering!

Monday, March 30, 2009

My twin...

Recently, while running errands, I have gotten a lot of "So, do you have a sister that lives here, too?" and "You look a lot like my friend!"... Even "Hey, do you know that you have a twin in town?

While out with the girls a few weeks ago, a guy kept calling me "Erin" and asking where my husband, "Cory" was. I just blew it off, and thought that this guy has had a little too much to drink. Well, a few nights ago, while at a dart tournament, a friend of mine ran over and said that I needed to go with her to check some girl out, because the resemblance was too uncanny. So, we ventured to a neighbooring bar, and I met my "twin." It was funny to hear how her friends (and some complete strangers) had been saying the same things to her for sometime.

I know what I look like in a mirror, but the 3D, walking and talking version of me is a mystery. If no one had pointed out that we looked similar, I never would have noticed any common features. So, here is the pic, make your own conclusion!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Goodbye Uterus, Hello World!! -----My birthday!!

So, today is my 23rd birthday, and BJ let me decide on how we would spend it! So, after a very long (but very well-deserved, highly needed, and extremely fun!) night on the town, we started out a little rough!

BJ's sister invited us to church and lunch at her place, but we were a little too "under-the-weather" to make it on time. So, sometime in the afternoon, we finally worked up enough ambition to shower and start our day. We headed to the St. Cloud mall (we had been checking out this bookshelf that matches our new nursery set and our pricerange PERFECTLY!) and hit up some shops. BJ did sooo well!! He followed my aimless direction to store after store, and completely humored me! I'm talking absolutely NO complaining or eye-rolling! Even Gav was on his best behavior and didn't cry once! When we finally ventured to Target to pick up our bookshelf, it was out of stock and the sale would be ending very soon... sad...

Finally, BJ took me to Granite City for dinner (they make the best Asian Grilled Chicken Salad). After a very long day, I found out two things: I am the luckiest girl ever for having such well-behaved and selfless studs in my life... And that since becoming a mommy, my birthday will no longer be about me, but about having another to day to love up on my boys... Happy Birthday to ME!!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I need a musician!

With all of the planning for this wedding, we have overlooked the musician! I am new Sauk Centre area and haven't met many musically inclined people! So, if you know of anyone that can tear it up on a guitar, piano, violin, harp... trash can!! I don't really care :) Please send me some referrals!!!! Thanks!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I have so much going on my brain right now, I'm suprised I am remembering to take breaths periodically!

Gavin has been flip-flopping from sick to healthy for a couple weeks now. We got out of the hospital with his bout with pneumonia. Then he was fine. Then he wouldn't eat. Then he wouldn't stop. Now he has a cough and some ucky stuff in his chest again. UGGGGGHHHH! We took a trip to Thomas and Tara's house today, but the little stinker wouldn't nap or eat there, so I him home for a quick snooze and a tiny bit of a bottle. Then, we drove back over to join Thomas, Tara, Ryan and Kristal for dinner. Gav was so happy.... for awhile. He got tired again and the three of us just went home for the night. Now, he is tossing and turning in his Amby bed and making a few miserable baby sounds. Its going to be one of those weeks again!

BJ and I also remembered that we were planning a wedding still! Dress? Check! Groomsmen, Bridesmaids, Attendants? Check! Decorator? Check! Photographer? Uhhh.... CRAP! We forgot to book the hardest person to book!! So, I spend most of my day emailing and researching and calling and browsing friggen photographers! So, if you follow this blog and can think of ANYONE that isn't already booked, please let me know!! BJ and I are going to have "His and Hers" ulcers by the end of this... The good ol' "Courthouse Wedding" isn't sounding too bad right now. Just give me the title of "Mrs. Bryant Ostendorf" and lets cut all of this crap! (Granted, it was a blast for awhile, but the appeal of a big, extravagant wedding has been wearing off fairly fast!)

So, I am not going to go into detail, but other points of interest in my life at this moment are:

  • Finding a way to balance an EXTREMELY high-maintenance baby and finding a fantastic job (Turns out, not too many daycares will take a baby without shots and a Food Journal...and there aren't too many fantastic jobs overnight!)
  • Staying at home, taking care of a cranky, high mainenance baby!
  • Getting over this annoying and NOT WELCOME cold...(without passing it on to the cranky, high maintenance baby or the cranky, overworked fiance!)
  • Money.. thats a bit of an issue for everyone..
  • Buying a house that we can afford that isn't condemned...
  • Selling a house in order to buy forementioned house!

Ahhhh... Such is life!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

C'mon, Gav! Give us a break!

Gavin is refusing to eat.. AGAIN. When he was sick with pneumonia, he didn't show any symptoms at first, except loss of appetite. So, since he has to be weighed again tomorrow at the clinic, we will just talk to a doctor. Our doctor is on vacation, so we will talk to a different doctor. Let me tell you how this is going to go down:

First, the doctor will need a 10-15 minute recap of absolutely everything about Gavin's history. Then, we will have a 5 minute "WOW Factor" where the doctor will be so amazed about his recovery and ask us about his follow-up with the NICU and a Gastro. Then, he will examine Gavin for a couple seconds (vitals and that fun stuff), and finally, he will ask us what we think we should do. We will say that we don't want to go to the hospital, but that if he isn't eating, we would like for his input/output to be monitored, just to be safe. The doctor will refer us to St. Cloud, and I will say that we weren't happy about our last visit and their misdiagnosis with pneumonia. Finally, BJ and I will toss around our options. BJ will say St. Cloud and I will say Minneapolis. We will go to St. Cloud (or possibly stay in Sauk).

So, that is my prediction. Hopefully, I will be completely wrong and Gav will walk up to me in the morning and demand a huge steak-n-egg breakfast! I will let you know the outcome! *Kisses!*

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

If I have to look at one more crib...

BJ and I decided that today was the day for a new crib for Gav. We have been borrowing an Amby bed from his mom. The Amby works awesome, but Gavin has learned how to roll over in it. Since it is just like a hammock, his little face gets stuck in the pillow where it dips, and he can't roll back over. So, fearing suffocation, we started crib shopping!

So, we started with Wal-Mart, Target, and Babies R US. We found the one that was in our price range and that looked amazing, but it didn't come in the color that would match what we already had. So, we started talking to our friends and seeing where their cribs were from. Tricia directed me toward JCPenny, and we scored big time! Not only did they have the color, the quality AND prices were waaaaayyy better. The only problem: we could use either white or espresso to match our current furnishings. Not a huge deal, but enough to take every freaking second out of my day to ponder. "Would white make it look too cheap?" "Would espresso be too hard to match?" "How would white hold up against crayola?" "If we buy a house, what would look best?"

Whatever... The ultimate decision was made upon a little research. The reviews said that the white wasn't a good shade (it had an eggshell tint) and it scratched soooo easy. I still wasn't convinced and headed over to Brian and Trish's to check out their espresso crib from the same collection. The espresso was beautiful and matched the shades of furniture at Target. Trish pointed out that her daughter, Brooke, had taken a couple bites out of the side and it was hardly noticeable. SOLD! Hey, this is a lot of money to be throwing around, so I better LOVE it, and it better hold up! So, after taking up way too much of my time considering, and probably way too much of your time reading this, the choice has been made, and (more importantly) BJ has all of his hair and just a slight headache. SUCCESS!!! (The good sport even let me pick out matching changing table AND dresser!)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

*I need a new sniffer*

I have been miserable the past couple of days. My nose, chest, head, sinuses, throat, and muscles hurt. Needless to say, I am walking around with a GINORMOUS medicine head, and if you know me pretty well, I am NOT a good "sick person." I have been an all-grouch. Wanting some time to myself, needing plenty of quite time with no lights, and having no energy to get the household chores done. But, BJ and Gav have been saints! BJ is picking up my slack and my little G-man has been lovey and cuddly all day. (Doesn't really help when I am trying to keep my distance... the last thing we need is Gavin to get sick again...) So, I would just like to take a second to say, "Thanks guys! You know just what to do to get me feeling better!"

Anyways! Carl, Angel, Grace and Lydia had a dentist appointment yesterday, so Adie came over for a little bit. She was so cute! Gavin was fascinated with her hair and bright pink outfit, so he just kept reaching for her. She would just sit there and smile and let him check things out. Soon, she was grabbing toys for him and showing them how to get the best noises out of them. Gavin really liked the attention and Adie loved exploring the new toys and books. Watching the two of them play really got me wanting more babies!

BJ and I have been tossing dates around for when we would like to try again. We would both like me to be pregnant immediately after the wedding, but everything depends on our housing situation. We have found some great houses for sale, but we can't do anything until BJ's house sells. Stupid housing market! Gavin needs a little brother or sister!

Well, my medicine is kicking is in and I need to find a soft place to land...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Virgin Blogger

Welcome to my first blog ever! Since there was absolutely no names left to choose from for my url, I went with I think that about sums me up!

This weekend my mom, Lynne, and Maid of Honor, Joy, came to visit me all the way from Green Bay, Wisconsin. I had so much fun showing them around and introducing them to my new life! (Not to mention showing off my beautiful, baby boy!) Last night, my mom suprised BJ and I with hotel accomodations! She pulled me into the kitchen and told me that I needed to leave because she had made reservations at a motel in Melrose and that we needed to leave to check in! Then, Joy pulled some strawberries and chocolate out of our fridge and handed them to us... They told us it was our "practice honeymoon!" So, BJ and I picked up a nice bottle of wine and headed to the motel.... where we immediately passed out! HAHA!! I guess what we really needed was a good night's rest!

BJ also played the romance card yesterday, but I think I need to take you back 9 months ago in order to explain this one...

So, BJ and I were in Abbot Northwestern Hospital for a week waiting for Gavin to be born. He had a defect that needed intense surgery right away, so we were just hanging out until the doctor's decided to deliver him via c-section. One morning, the cleaning lady came in while I was in the shower and took our balled-up bedsheets. Later that day, we noticed that the stuffed pig that I had had since I was 2 was missing. We knew it had gotten mixed with the sheets and I would never see it again. Granted, I probably did have some weird security issue with the thing, but my heart was still broken. We called the nurse in and asked if we could get it back and she said the linens had already been sent to the cleaning company, and that we wouldn't be seeing that pig again. That night, Gavin Thomas Ostendorf was born, and I thought that it was kind of fitting! It was like the transition from girl to woman. What an upgrade!

Yesterday, BJ came in from work and threw a Fed-X package at me. I was so confused, but tore it open. Inside was a purple, squishy pig! I was elated!! BJ told me that he had been looking on Ebay for months, and finally found one in Arizona. Turns out, it is a collector's item and is no longer made in the pig form. I was holding back my tears and couldn't stop hugging him. BJ has become quite good at making my heart flutter!

Alright, that's enough for today! Thanks for reading my first post!